
I'm so stressed out...

I knoe.. I knoe.. it's been a while since I wrote.. yea rite.. define a while! I really don't have time.. organic lab is really wasting my time.. hahaha.. yea rite Meta.. just blame it to the lab.. It's me who decided to study chemistry.. so I come to a conclusion that being a blogger is not a really good idea for a chemistry student.. well at least for me.. I barely have time to write.. I even don't read anymore in train.. altho I do have an interesting book.. within a week I have spectroscopy exam.. and guess what? I don't understand it at all.. I repeat..AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! then the week after..in 2 weeks.. I have organic chemistry (again) part 2 exam.. and the reactions, that I have to learn are freakin a lot.. really they're like a lot.. then.. it's physical chemistry exam's turn.. yea rite.. the worst part is.. I still have lab..still have like 2 weeks.. OMG!!!! and I still have to do like 3 or 4 experiments.... I'm sooo stressed out.. I really don't know if I can make it.. dammit!! please people.. remind me..why on earth do I study chemistry?? why? why??????? I have to be in lab when the weather outside is nice.. it is always like that.. every time I don't have lab.. the weather is just bad.. but today I was thankful that I was in the lab.. for heaven's sake.. it was sooooo hot out there.. and our lab has air conditioning.. haha.. but the assistant's room was freaking hot.. I don't know how the assistants can survive there.. well.. I guess I knoe why they had bad mood.. hahaha.. so.. Indah now is in charge.. the problem is she only speaks english.. (and indonesian when she talks to me..;P) the other students only speaks german.. well they do speak english but not that fluent.. so they really have problem with the language.. I remember.. christian and julian asked me to be translator for them.. the problem was.. they talk at the same time.. I was so confused.. and now since we use both english and german (and indonesian sumtimes).. my brain sumtimes doesn't work that well.. yesterday christian asked me sumthing.. and I wanted to say wait.. my brain told me to say it in german.. but my mouth didn't listen to my brain.. oooh.. this is so confusing.. hahaha.. and now I really want to learn korean.. yea rite Meta.. keep creating a new problem! gosh.. I really shouldn't do this.. hahaha.. I'm such a procrastinator... ok.. I'm off..

I'm so stressed out..

P.S. :“Brain cells create ideas. Stress kills brain cells. Stress is not a good idea.”~Frederick Saunders~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

funny, in the pic u dont look that stressed out haha...