Someone forced me to do this.. Hehehe.. Naaahh.. I promised her to write sumthing about her.. And vice versa.. I planned to do this homework when I was still in Berlin due to the fact that I have super lame internet connection in Jakarta.. But I was busy with packing and stuff back then.. So here I am writing this as I promised her..
Warning: This is gonna be a long post.. So be prepared my friend!
Yunita Wongso Dw* Pa***i.. Yes.. I still remember her full name.. - think she's gonna flip out after reading that I just mentioned her full name.. U have a pretty name, young lady! *the owner of the name mentioned above asked me to censor her full name so that nobody can google her*
I met her for the first time at my dorm's common room.. "That's Juni's sister,"sumone told me.. I had heard the rumor about Juni's sister coming to Berlin before.. She wore winnie the pooh t-shirt at that time.. Honestly.. I didn't pay too much attention to the person who was wearing it.. Since pooh was more attratctive.. Hehehe
Btw Nit, do u still remember what we did back then? Here are some clues.. Debo, magazines, guys.. Hohoho.. Ring a bell?
On one gloomy day (at least for me), we chatted on msn.. Question! How on earth did I get ur msn? Actually.. I just random picked whoever was online on msn that day and Nita was the lucky one.. (You should be proud Nit.. Hahahaha) but I think we were still awkward at that time..
One fine day.. We finally went on our "first date".. Errrr.. This sounds really wrong.. But whatever.. Hahahahahaha.. We went to Impala.. (I miss Impala already.. One small elephant vanilla please!) I lent her my notes from my German course.. (Btw, I couldn't find the damn things anymore.. Did someone borrow those notes?) Honestly.. I couldn't recall what we were talking about.. (I surely need ginkgo biloba..) Nit, was that when we came besties?
As far as I remember after that we hung out pretty often, rite? Mostly we studied together.. Yes Hugendubel, Starbucks, FU Bibliothek, where else? Me with my chemistry text books and notes.. Nita with her dictionary and literature books..
Nit, do u still remember? Once u studied at my place while I was busy decorating my ikea photo frames.. Hehehe.. In the end we went to Impala, u still studied while I was enjoying my time.. I helped u a bit tho..well at least I thought so..
Apart from study, we also went together for lunch, shopping, to movies, photo hunting, even just for coffee break. Ouuu..don't forget our trip visiting the doctors.. Nita was my gabbing partner in Berlin..we talked about eveeerrrryyyything.. She told me that I talked like a teenager.. -__-;; and it seemed that when we were together something weird happened.. The guy at Potsdamer Platz with his annoyed gf was epic.. Btw, how's that Bible study guy at Potsdam doing?
Gosh.. I really have a lot to tell about this one super friend of mine.. I seriously can go on and on and on and on.. She is a really good friend I would say.. Altho we are *beep* years apart.. I don't feel any generation gap.. Even when I was in a bad mood, her existence can really cheer me up.. I always felt comfie when I was with her.. She often told me "u're smart" and I hate it.. I am not smart Nit! Duh!? (This goes out to all of people who have ever said that to me too)
Now we are miles apart.. I cannot reach her in 15 minutes.. We cannot say.. Let's meet up at Potsdamer Platz..or I'll meet u at Wittenberg Platz..or let's go for lunch, what would u like to eat..
I knew this time would come..but not this soon.. Honestly.. I wasn't ready to say goodbye.. But goes on.. I have to face the fact that I have to talk to her via bbm.. (Thx to the mentality of Indonesian)
Nit.. I hope we can still be besties when we meet in future.. I hope u would still be the same or even better Nita.. I wish u all the best luck in the world.. And hope that u could find Mr. Ben.. Introduce him to me, u need my approval first.. Hahaha
Thx for being a part of my sucky life in Berlin, Nit! *big hug*
P.S.: "Remember, this is not real! Cyber world is the real one!" ~Nita and Meta~
Bachelor of Science...
Yes.. after a long 4 and a half years.. I finally got my bachelor degree.. hurray..
Just like Tablo said, the fastest way to get out of school is either expulsion or graduation.. In my case.. I chose graduation..
I didn't do very well in my defense, I was panic and I just couldn't think.. I went blank.. nothing came into my mind..
After it was done, I was told to wait outside while they decided my grade.. And after I walked out the door.. everything came back into my mind.. I knew this was coming..
But hey.. life goes on.. honestly.. I don't really care about my grade.. I mean.. I just wanna effing graduate.. that's my goal.. but it seems that grade does matter for some people.. and especially for grad school..
Now I'm already in Jakarta.. with this super slow internet connection.. yes.. I left Berlin for good..
I've never thought that I would leave Berlin this soon.. okay.. I've always wanted to leave Germany as soon as possible..
but.. I think this is just too soon..
Honestly, I wasn't ready.. and I still feel I'm not ready..
I have this love-hate relationship with Berlin and I"m still not ready to end this relationship.. hehehehe..
P.S.: So long Berlin.. hope to see you again..
So.. I finally got my bachelor degree.. and next?
I have no idea what I'm going to do.. I really don't..
I wanna continue my study.. because I think bachelor degree is not enough to survive in reality..
My sister told me to continue in US.. and I am tempted to do what she said..
but the nearest university to her place are UC Berkeley and Stanford..
Sis, u knoe what..ur little sister is not qualified enough to apply for grad school there..
Only miracle can make that happen.. and I'm not a 100% miracle believer..
P.S.: So long Berlin.. hope to see you again..
My birthday is coming..-_-;;
Someone asked me to make a birthday wish list..
there might be things that are beyond the budget.. things that I can only beg my mom or sis to buy for me.. but hey.. it's my birthday wish list..
1. First on the list..I want the damn iPhone..
2. Miss Marc by Marc Jacobs bag

3. mouse ballerina.. also by Marc Jacobs..
4. Pieces of You by Tablo
5. The Amazing Adventures of Working Girl by Karen Burns
6. Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire
7. How Starbucks Saved My Life by Michael Gill
8. I want my mom and sister and Henney aka Drinaaa.. Drinaaa... to be here with me and celebrate my birthday together.. ^^
9. This watch.. yes.. by Marc Jacobs..
10. Scholarship to Stanford grad school would be really appreciated.. ;P
11. any kind of cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory as my birthday cake would be nice..
12. the most realistic one.. I need new earphones..
I'm running out of idea.. honestly I don't know what I want for my birthday..
*sigh* I'm seriously not excited about my birthday..
The fact that I'm getting older and haven't graduated yet is haunting me..
P.S. : I'll update the list if I know what I really want..
there might be things that are beyond the budget.. things that I can only beg my mom or sis to buy for me.. but hey.. it's my birthday wish list..
1. First on the list..I want the damn iPhone..
2. Miss Marc by Marc Jacobs bag

3. mouse ballerina.. also by Marc Jacobs..

5. The Amazing Adventures of Working Girl by Karen Burns

6. Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire

7. How Starbucks Saved My Life by Michael Gill

9. This watch.. yes.. by Marc Jacobs..

11. any kind of cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory as my birthday cake would be nice..

I'm running out of idea.. honestly I don't know what I want for my birthday..
*sigh* I'm seriously not excited about my birthday..
The fact that I'm getting older and haven't graduated yet is haunting me..
P.S. : I'll update the list if I know what I really want..

Happy 2nd Anniversary..

It's been 2 years since I blogged here..
I know I'm not a good blogger.. I barely blog lately..
Well.. I think I become more and more anti social lately.. to the point that I start hating people..
I don't feel like telling stories.. sharing what's on my mind.. I just don't..
and the fact that nothing much happened in my life..
But I do still tweet.. but I don't tweet as often as I used to..
I think the micro blogging thingy really kills the real blogging..
Actually I did write a couple of posts.. but I just kept saving them or even deleting them..
It was just too much for me to click the publish post button..
Well.. some of the posts sounded too depressing... so I thought maybe I shouldn't publish them.. Let's hope that I can keep this blog alive..
P.S. : I just realized it's a good thing that I started on May Day so I always remember.. hehe..
Happy Birthday Mom!!

Happy birthday mom!! aaahh.. I miss my mom.. -_-;;
We tend to quarrel quite a lot when we are together.. but when I'm far away from her.. I really wish that she could be here..
My life was a lot easier back then when she was around..
She always prepared breakfast for me.. She always packed lunch box for me.. She cooked dinner when we were in the mood to have dinner at home..
Even when I was in Jakarta doing my internship.. she was the one who drove me to work and picked me up from work..
And you know what.. I really love going shopping with my mom.. because I don't have to think if it looks good on me or not.. my mom would tell me.. hahaha..
My mom even hung out with me and my friends.. See.. I really have a cool mom! I actually also hung out with her and her friends.. Now I really miss my mom...
Once again.. Happy Birthday mom!!
P.S.: "A mother understands what a child does not say." ~ Jewish Proverb ~
We tend to quarrel quite a lot when we are together.. but when I'm far away from her.. I really wish that she could be here..
My life was a lot easier back then when she was around..
She always prepared breakfast for me.. She always packed lunch box for me.. She cooked dinner when we were in the mood to have dinner at home..
Even when I was in Jakarta doing my internship.. she was the one who drove me to work and picked me up from work..
And you know what.. I really love going shopping with my mom.. because I don't have to think if it looks good on me or not.. my mom would tell me.. hahaha..
My mom even hung out with me and my friends.. See.. I really have a cool mom! I actually also hung out with her and her friends.. Now I really miss my mom...
Once again.. Happy Birthday mom!!
P.S.: "A mother understands what a child does not say." ~ Jewish Proverb ~
Geneva Day 1
I'm in Geneva.. yes.. I finally met my auntie ice kacang..Sandra.. after I dunno.. 6 years maybe?
She wanted to go to Berlin actually.. but due to some reasons.. she couldn't..
I was supposed to meet her in Aachen.. but since I was sick back then.. so it might not be a good idea..
Then she suggested to travel together in last week of March.. and I said yes.. if I passed my bloody inorganic chem exam.. which I did.. yeay for me!
And my radiochemistry lab is also over.. another yeay for me!
So here I am in Geneva.. visiting her.. and we're going to Milan on Saturday like early in the morning..
My trip began with a heart racing incident..
Fortunately I already checked so I just needed to drop off my luggage..
I went to airport quite early.. according to the bvg route planner I was supposed to arrive at the Schoenefeld airport at 3 pm sharp!
Then it happened.. TRAFFIC JAM ladies and gentlemen.. it was 3 pm and I was still stuck in traffic jam.. It seemed that we couldn't drive through the tunnel.. I wasn't sure what happened tho..
A man asked the driver how long we had to wait.. and he said about 20 minutes.. and it was already 3:10 pm..
I was like.. holy cow.. I have to be there before 3:50 pm.. I'm so dead..
but after 20 minutes or more.. I can't remember.. we finally reached the airport.. and I was like running to the check in counter..
The lady said to me.. I only have 5 minutes before boarding..
But here I am in Geneva safe and bloated..
As soon as I arrived.. Sandra took me to the restaurant.. since I said I've always wanted to eat cheese fondue..
and she said that the restaurant is at the airport..
I ordered cheese fondue and Sandra had raclette.. the problem was the waitress didn't speak English.. yes.. she only spoke French.. and it seemed that she wasn't aware.. or she just didn't want to be aware that we don't speak French like at all..
After our foods came.. a man sat besides us told me that since I ate cheese fondue I wasn't allowed to drink cold water.. I had to drink sumthing warm.. He said that it could lead to congealing of the cheese to a lump in the stomach..
then we had a problem.. Sandra had no idea how to eat raclette.. so we decided to ask that man.. he showed us how to eat it..
gosh.. we laughed the whole time.. I mean.. we ordered food that we don't know how to eat it..note that the man only spoke a little English.. so we kinda had to guess what he meant..
Sandra said that after I finished with my fondue.. We could scrape the bottom of the pot because it formed a thin crust of the cheese at the bottom at the pot..
so we asked the waiter about that.. and hoped that he would do the sracping thingy..
he said that although it wasn't common but we could do that.. and he brought us the tools to scrape the crust.. Sandra told me in the other restaurant.. the waiter did the scraping thingy..
so we laughed again...what a weird restaurant..
and now here I am.. typing and bloated..
Sandra is asleep already.. she said that she was tired as hell..hehehe
I think I'm gonna sleep early today.. I feel kinda sleepy..
P.S.: Tomorrow I'm gonna explore the city all by my self..wish me luck..
Tiger year is here...
Happy Chinese New Year everyone.. gong xi gong xi..ang pao na lai?
Hey sis.. ang pao na lai?
Tiger year is finally here.. to all the tiger year babies.. this is our year..
Speaking of new year.. I have my own way to start this year..
Yesterday I was invited to celebrate chinese new year's eve (what do you call it actually?) Another night of diet screwing.. but it was fun..
I went home like really late.. like 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning..
and of course my cousin was asleep already.. I went to the bathroom to brushed my teeth and stuff, so that I wouldn't wake him up..
It was pitch black when I walked out from the bathroom.. The corridor's lights were turned off already.. so I wanted to turn the lights on so that I could see..
Then the tragedy happened.. I forgot that there was a box full of empty beer bottles there.. rite where the switch was.. I stumbled over the box.. and my head, my forehead to be exact, hit the wall.. not that hard.. it wasn't bleeding or anything but it still hurt.. and I realized that I got a new bruise on my left ankle..
FYI, I fell last Sunday on my way to the library.. and I got one big bruise on my left knee and a small bruise on my right knee..
What a great way to start this tiger year..yes.. this is my year..
Hfff.. I've been thinking.. maybe I do have problems with my balance.. -_-;;
P.S. : Today is also Valentine's day.. Happy V-Day everyone.. eat your chocolate wisely.. hihihi.. and you.. are you enjoying your chocolate right now? *giggle giggle*

Tiger year is finally here.. to all the tiger year babies.. this is our year..
Speaking of new year.. I have my own way to start this year..
Yesterday I was invited to celebrate chinese new year's eve (what do you call it actually?) Another night of diet screwing.. but it was fun..
I went home like really late.. like 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning..
and of course my cousin was asleep already.. I went to the bathroom to brushed my teeth and stuff, so that I wouldn't wake him up..
It was pitch black when I walked out from the bathroom.. The corridor's lights were turned off already.. so I wanted to turn the lights on so that I could see..
Then the tragedy happened.. I forgot that there was a box full of empty beer bottles there.. rite where the switch was.. I stumbled over the box.. and my head, my forehead to be exact, hit the wall.. not that hard.. it wasn't bleeding or anything but it still hurt.. and I realized that I got a new bruise on my left ankle..
FYI, I fell last Sunday on my way to the library.. and I got one big bruise on my left knee and a small bruise on my right knee..
What a great way to start this tiger year..yes.. this is my year..
Hfff.. I've been thinking.. maybe I do have problems with my balance.. -_-;;
P.S. : Today is also Valentine's day.. Happy V-Day everyone.. eat your chocolate wisely.. hihihi.. and you.. are you enjoying your chocolate right now? *giggle giggle*

2 days in a row.. hahaha..
what an improvement... honestly.. it's not.. I'm procrastinating rite now..
I still have to cram lotsa things into my head..
aarrrrghhhhh... I dunno.. I dunno..
can't think... can't think...
I need extra brains.. anyone??
Please remind me, how on earth did I become a chemistry student?
I used to ask for more time.. but I realized.. more time couldn't help me.. motivation is what I need... and extra brains of course.. ;P
what an improvement... honestly.. it's not.. I'm procrastinating rite now..
I still have to cram lotsa things into my head..
aarrrrghhhhh... I dunno.. I dunno..
can't think... can't think...
I need extra brains.. anyone??
Please remind me, how on earth did I become a chemistry student?
I used to ask for more time.. but I realized.. more time couldn't help me.. motivation is what I need... and extra brains of course.. ;P
Anywayyyy..... someone is getting older today...
Yuhuuuu.. my brother in law.. Drinaaaaa...Drinaaaa....
Happy Birthday!! Wish u all the best.. Save the world from bad people!! Keep being a geek and antisocial.. yuhuu.. ouu.. thank you for curing my lappy..
Yuhuuuu.. my brother in law.. Drinaaaaa...Drinaaaa....
Happy Birthday!! Wish u all the best.. Save the world from bad people!! Keep being a geek and antisocial.. yuhuu.. ouu.. thank you for curing my lappy..
Here I am again..
ok..ok.. I knoe I've abandoned my blog since..err.. when was the last time I blogged (is blog even a verb??)
1. She's gone live at radio
I'm still digging the song until now.. still at the same part.. the part when he hits the high notes..
credit: DeathEvanesque
2. 7 years love (fancam)
good song + great voice = *sigh*
credit: nonarepot
3. Let's not - Super Junior KRY
he sounds good in this song.. haha I really don't know what to say..
credit: ShinJH2702
4.Listen... to you (OST Pasta)
I think this is a remake song.. this song is on repeat mode in my playlist..
credit: bluprincez here I am..
Actually nothing much happened to my life.. so I don't know what to write..
I tweet a lot tho.. and I update my tumblr quite often..
Speaking of tumblr.. my sister now has a blog.. woohooo.. congratz sis!
please do visit her blog..
the idea came when we watched julie and julia.. plus she has nothing to do rite now..
but I think she's gonna quit blogging real soon.. since she's gonna be back to work..
Wait.. how come now I have so much to write.. hihihi..
maybe because I'm procrastinating rite now..
I'll have an exam next week.. and I still have a lot to study..
Anyway..the reason why I'm here is...
I wanna wish the birthday girl and boy happy birthday..
First on the list..Maria.. she's my partner in most of lab course.. esp. physical chemistry.. (the michael mentari team rocks!!)
Happy birthday dear.. you're 21 now? whew.. and you're gonna graduate real soon.. geez.. I feel so burdened.. ="=+
well.. I know u're not feeling well rite now.. get well soon.. and let's doing well in our next week exam.. and also good luck for ur presentation..
Next on the list.. Cho Kyu Hyun.. Happy birthday!!

I actually wished him happy birthday last year.. click here to open ur memory...
I'm still a huge fan of his voice.. it's still hard to believe that a great voice can come out from this silly dorky person's mouth..
here are some videos of him...happy watching!
Actually nothing much happened to my life.. so I don't know what to write..
I tweet a lot tho.. and I update my tumblr quite often..
Speaking of tumblr.. my sister now has a blog.. woohooo.. congratz sis!
please do visit her blog..
the idea came when we watched julie and julia.. plus she has nothing to do rite now..
but I think she's gonna quit blogging real soon.. since she's gonna be back to work..
Wait.. how come now I have so much to write.. hihihi..
maybe because I'm procrastinating rite now..
I'll have an exam next week.. and I still have a lot to study..
Anyway..the reason why I'm here is...
I wanna wish the birthday girl and boy happy birthday..
First on the list..Maria.. she's my partner in most of lab course.. esp. physical chemistry.. (the michael mentari team rocks!!)
Happy birthday dear.. you're 21 now? whew.. and you're gonna graduate real soon.. geez.. I feel so burdened.. ="=+
well.. I know u're not feeling well rite now.. get well soon.. and let's doing well in our next week exam.. and also good luck for ur presentation..
Next on the list.. Cho Kyu Hyun.. Happy birthday!!

I actually wished him happy birthday last year.. click here to open ur memory...
I'm still a huge fan of his voice.. it's still hard to believe that a great voice can come out from this silly dorky person's mouth..
here are some videos of him...happy watching!
1. She's gone live at radio
I'm still digging the song until now.. still at the same part.. the part when he hits the high notes..
credit: DeathEvanesque
2. 7 years love (fancam)
good song + great voice = *sigh*
credit: nonarepot
3. Let's not - Super Junior KRY
he sounds good in this song.. haha I really don't know what to say..
credit: ShinJH2702
4.Listen... to you (OST Pasta)
I think this is a remake song.. this song is on repeat mode in my playlist..
credit: bluprincez
Ok.. I'd better stop now and go back to my inorganic book.. the list will still keep going if I don't stop..
P.S. : My right shoulder is killing me.. it hurts so bad..
P.S. : My right shoulder is killing me.. it hurts so bad..
I need hot chocolate..
You Are Raspberry Hot Chocolate |
You are unique and creative. You never do anything the ordinary way. There's nothing fun about ordinary. You are inspired by every little thing around you. You like to mashup your favorite things, and you often come up with interesting remixes. You're the type of person most likely to invent a totally new type of hot chocolate. You're always dreaming up something new. You are only limited by your imagination, and your imagination knows no limits! |
Blogthings: We Have a Quiz for Almost Everything
P.S.: Now I'm craving for hot chocolate..great! -_-;;
One day with Marc Jacobs
Oh no.. I think I'm in love with Marc Jacobs..
P.S.: I really wanna buy the bag.. and the shoes.. and the watch.. >_<
P.S.: I really wanna buy the bag.. and the shoes.. and the watch.. >_<
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