

I'm quite not in the mood of writing things. I sometimes still write so-not-important-things on my other blog.. and I also still keep tweeting..
The reason why I don't write that often is.. I kinda felt miserable lately..
When I feel this way.. it is not a good idea to write.. since everything I write will sound gloomy.. depressed.. suicidal.. *sigh*
So I'd rather save it for my self.. or else I would be sent to a psychiatrist..

I've been reading someone's blog since yesterday.. The blog belonged to Daul Kim. She was a top model. She was found dead in her apartment in Paris. She was only 20 years old. It was said that she committed suicide.
I didn't even know her until I read the news about her death.. then I found out that she had a blog.
Somehow I enjoyed reading her blog.. and I like her style as in how she dressed herself.
It's such a pity that her life had to end like this..
RIP Daul Kim..

P.S. : the fact that the sun hides itself quite early these days doesn't help my mood to become a little brighter..

1 comment:

yw said...

u should go to golm with once in a while then we can sing together the song i just created. the title is "gloomy golm". i'll let u sing the chorus part.

"gloomy golm gloomy golm
golmy gloom golmy gloom
wait til the full bloom
and i will cook you mushroom"

*what a crap, i knoe.