So...yes.. I'm back to my real life..back to the damn cold Berlin..
my lab days has already begun.. and I'm so unmotivated and scared as hell at the same time..
my 1st experiment is already such a failure.. I have to do it from scratch again.. and I don't have that much time.. for real.. I only have like 3 and a half weeks left.. and I still haven't finished my first 2 experiments.. I'm so dead.. >_<;; I really have this bad feeling, that I would fail this lab course.. T_T
Anyway.. Nita and I made 떡볶이 (ddukbokki)..err..yeah whatever the spelling is.. it's basically hot and spicy rice cake.. Nita has been craving for this since she heard that Lena was coming.. (based on what Nita said) Unfortunately.. Lena ended up not coming for some reasons.. So.. I was forced to make ddukbokki.. but I think in the end Nita was the one who made it.. ou..ou.. when we put the rice cake into the boiled water.. we also put the preservatives thing.. hahaha.. I just hope none of us will get food poisoning.. Peggy also joined us..well.. Juni, Sugih and his gf also joined us..but then they left earlier.. Nita and Peggy stayed for a while to have latte machiato flavoured tea.. whoa.. it's been a while since I had my "girls nite out".. it was fun..
Since I had fun today.. it means that I have to be a nerd tomorrow.. yes.. I have to do my assignments and stuff!! *sigh*
P.S. : This is what ddukbokki supposed to look like.. we forgot to take a pic of our home-made ddukbokki..-_-;;

did i ever force u? i begged!
we put the preservatives thing? we? *cough
u've got some serious problems dealing with choice of words, young lady.
You begged? You did force me.. well.. I agreed to make this for the sake of you baby.. hahahaha.. gossip bener..
serious problem? well.. I don't know the difference between I and we when it comes to sumthing bad..
let me try..
I put the preservatives thing into the boiled water..hmm.. sumthing's off..
we put the preservatives thing into the boiled water.. yup.. this is the rite one..
hahaha *evil laugh*
of you, baby or of your baby? hmm..
let me help u:
meta put the preservatives thing and then meta screamed "oh no! oh no!" and then nita took the knife rite away like a real hero and lifted the preservative with the knife calmly while meta was still screaming frantically "oh no! oh no! oh no! what did i do?"
alles klar? thats what i called choice of words!
my bad.. ur baby..*geleng2*
u are really indeed talented..go and write a novel..
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