So I had neighbor for 4 meant that I had to share bathroom.
FYI..because of his existence I was having trouble with my stomach.. u knoe.. the business in toilet..
hahaha.. so.. here's what we did when he was here..
Mr. B came.. we had a chit-chat thing.. well not we.. they did (my sis, her husband, and Mr. B). After having dinner we went to..err.. BevMo or sumthin' buy some wine and beers..
When we were ready to pay.. Mr. B did sumthin' hilarious.. He pushed the wrong cart.. but when he realized it was not ours. He just said.. "hey.. this is not ours" in a-so-not-guilty-tone and left the cart there and went to find ours.. my sister and I were laughing so hard.. I mean.. it can happen to everyone.. but the funny thing is that he just said it in flat tone. Then we went to the supermarket next to BevMo.. Smart and Find or sumthin'.. My sister wanted to take a look.. since it's just opened.. we wanted to buy oranges also.. Mr. B took one orange..but my sis said.. "we can't just buy one orange?".. but then in the end.. we only buy 2 oranges.. hahaha.. I knoe we're such a weirdo.. So we went home.. and my sis had to show Mr. B the way.. here's the so-not-important-conversation between them..
My Sis: Left!! Left!!
Mr. B: How? It's right turn only!!!
Then we played Taboo.. My sister was dying to play Taboo since I was here.. but it needs 4 people.. I guess.. na ja.. It was freaking funny.. since it was our (Mr. B and I) first time playing it..
We were laughing until our stomache hurt.. My fave part is the drawing... hihihi.. unfortunately we lost.. I teamed up with my sis..
Since my sis and my bro in law worked.. so Mr. B and I went to book store.. Mr. B has this reading-addiction lately.. hihi.. good for you! OMG.. I'm dying to read Midnight Sun..
Then we had lunch in Korean restaurant.. guess what.. I knew most of the songs which were being played there.. hahaha.. I guess I'm quite addicted to korean music lately..
we ordered pizza for dinner.. and we played Taboo.. again.. but this time I teamed up with my bro in law.. We won!! It was still fun.. The part that we had to explain the word using the purple doll was pretty hard.. you have to use your creativity..
We played mini golf today.. It was my first time playing mini golf.. it was really fun actually.. but thanx to the freaking sun.. it was sooooooooooooooooo hot.. that was the reason why I was cranky.. I hate being exposed to the sun.. although my name means sun.. and the sun.. it is really not a good idea.. I feel like biting people when the weather is too hot..
ou..ou.. another so-not-important-conversation between my sis and Mr. B
Mr. B: I'll give you 50 bucks if you can do hole in one
My sis: (Hit the ball.. and she did it!) ==> I'm pretty she didn't know what on earth hole in one is.
Mr. B: ...(speechless)
After one long hot day.. we went home.. took a nap.. getting ready for karaoke nite.. yuhuuu!!!
It was really fun.. except for the part that I was being scolded by my bro in law.. -_-'
We ended the day with dinner in PPQ.. we had to wait for 1 hour or so tho..

We went to the church in the morning.. then had lunch at home.. we still had the crab and pizza leftovers.. the we went bowling.. I didn't play tho.. My sis did pretty good at the 1st round.. but not at the 2nd. Hehe.. Then we went back home.. we needed to get ready for tonite's dinner.. (we as in me and my sis).. It was my first fine dining experience.. yuhuuu.. we went to Le Colonial in SF..

Dammit.. the food was awesome.. for me the dessert was the highlight.. hehehe..
then my sister wanted to take a walk in Union Square.. we took some pictures..since we don't have that sophisticated camera.. the pictures are not that super sophisticated.. ?????

So.. that was my busy long weekend..
FYI..because of his existence I was having trouble with my stomach.. u knoe.. the business in toilet..
hahaha.. so.. here's what we did when he was here..
Mr. B came.. we had a chit-chat thing.. well not we.. they did (my sis, her husband, and Mr. B). After having dinner we went to..err.. BevMo or sumthin' buy some wine and beers..
When we were ready to pay.. Mr. B did sumthin' hilarious.. He pushed the wrong cart.. but when he realized it was not ours. He just said.. "hey.. this is not ours" in a-so-not-guilty-tone and left the cart there and went to find ours.. my sister and I were laughing so hard.. I mean.. it can happen to everyone.. but the funny thing is that he just said it in flat tone. Then we went to the supermarket next to BevMo.. Smart and Find or sumthin'.. My sister wanted to take a look.. since it's just opened.. we wanted to buy oranges also.. Mr. B took one orange..but my sis said.. "we can't just buy one orange?".. but then in the end.. we only buy 2 oranges.. hahaha.. I knoe we're such a weirdo.. So we went home.. and my sis had to show Mr. B the way.. here's the so-not-important-conversation between them..
My Sis: Left!! Left!!
Mr. B: How? It's right turn only!!!
Then we played Taboo.. My sister was dying to play Taboo since I was here.. but it needs 4 people.. I guess.. na ja.. It was freaking funny.. since it was our (Mr. B and I) first time playing it..
We were laughing until our stomache hurt.. My fave part is the drawing... hihihi.. unfortunately we lost.. I teamed up with my sis..
Since my sis and my bro in law worked.. so Mr. B and I went to book store.. Mr. B has this reading-addiction lately.. hihi.. good for you! OMG.. I'm dying to read Midnight Sun..
Then we had lunch in Korean restaurant.. guess what.. I knew most of the songs which were being played there.. hahaha.. I guess I'm quite addicted to korean music lately..
we ordered pizza for dinner.. and we played Taboo.. again.. but this time I teamed up with my bro in law.. We won!! It was still fun.. The part that we had to explain the word using the purple doll was pretty hard.. you have to use your creativity..
We played mini golf today.. It was my first time playing mini golf.. it was really fun actually.. but thanx to the freaking sun.. it was sooooooooooooooooo hot.. that was the reason why I was cranky.. I hate being exposed to the sun.. although my name means sun.. and the sun.. it is really not a good idea.. I feel like biting people when the weather is too hot..
ou..ou.. another so-not-important-conversation between my sis and Mr. B
Mr. B: I'll give you 50 bucks if you can do hole in one
My sis: (Hit the ball.. and she did it!) ==> I'm pretty she didn't know what on earth hole in one is.
Mr. B: ...(speechless)
After one long hot day.. we went home.. took a nap.. getting ready for karaoke nite.. yuhuuu!!!
It was really fun.. except for the part that I was being scolded by my bro in law.. -_-'
We ended the day with dinner in PPQ.. we had to wait for 1 hour or so tho..

We went to the church in the morning.. then had lunch at home.. we still had the crab and pizza leftovers.. the we went bowling.. I didn't play tho.. My sis did pretty good at the 1st round.. but not at the 2nd. Hehe.. Then we went back home.. we needed to get ready for tonite's dinner.. (we as in me and my sis).. It was my first fine dining experience.. yuhuuu.. we went to Le Colonial in SF..

Dammit.. the food was awesome.. for me the dessert was the highlight.. hehehe..
then my sister wanted to take a walk in Union Square.. we took some pictures..since we don't have that sophisticated camera.. the pictures are not that super sophisticated.. ?????

So.. that was my busy long weekend..
P.S.: Happy Labour Day!
mr. B? hohoho... u owe me more than a story... does mr. B wear spectacles? ;P
yes nit Mr. B.. gak enak kalo gue sebutin namanya.. gue di posisi yg sulit soalnya.. halah..
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