I was soooo embarrassed..
I only have one week..

after a while...^^
I planned to do my PC homework today in uni.. but I thought it wouldn't take that long.. I ended up stay in uni until like 4 or sumthing.. hahaha.. and I don't feel like studying anymore.. (deep sigh) The problem is.. no matter what.. I have to pass all exams in this semester.. since I'm not gonna be here to write the make-up exams.. aaaarrrggghhh...
So.. I managed to make an appointment in US embassy regarding to my visa... I have to prepared lotsa things.. my things-to-do-list is getting longer and longer.. I'll do it after the exam.. I MUST do it after the exam.. visa thing, flight ticket, exchange thing..
Dammit..it's this late already.. better of to sleep then.. I need energy for tomorrow.. for studying of course.. ^^
P.S. : “Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back.” ~Harvey MacKay~
you've gotta be kidding me..
Cinta Laura...before you learn how to sing properly..please..learn how to do the lip sync thing properly..
Crazy about vampire..
Eclipse with my own Edward ^^
My physical chemistry lab is over...finally.. but I still have to deal with protokoll.. I still have to finish the last one.. plus.. correct the hydratation protokoll.. -_-'
In 2 weeks I'll have organic exam.. and I haven't studied yet.. I'm so dead.. arrrggh.. and I have to prepare things fo the exchange program.. yups.. I'm willing to do the exchange program.. well I still don't know.. I'm still not sure though.. But hey.. still wanna try.. It's nothing wrong with trying, rite? If it's not working.. then I guess I stick with my old plans.. hehehe..
I have lotsa things to do for the exchange program.. TOEFL preparation.. recommendation letters.. study proposal..bla..bla.. have to go to my professor asking about credit transfer and stuff.. but wiht the exam in 2 weeks.. arrrrgghhh... I guess I'll do it after my exam..
aaarrrrgggh... I need more time pleaaaaseeeee....
P.S.: “To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time.” ~Leonard Bernstein~
I need more time..
Ok.. lately I really have lotsa things to do.. uni things doesn't count..it's another story..I still have to call the american embassy regarding my visa.. but then my mom came up with this idea.. I should fly back to jakarta.. and then we go to my sister together.. it means that I have to look for flight tickets.. aaaaaaarrrrrrr..
It's not like that I don't want to.. I mean.. jakarta.. come on.. I miss my hometown.. with all the air pollution, traffic jam, dirtiness, malls.. foods.. yuhuuuu.. but trust me.. It's not gonna be cheap.. we'll see about that..
Ou.. I received quite a lot presents this year.. I didn't expect it actually.. Wishing me happy birthday is enough to make me happy.. but presents is much..much.. better.. hahaha.. oh come on.. is there anyone who doesn't like presents?? thx a lot friends.. Here.. I show u what I've got..
my birthday presents..
my lappy now has a dog..
but I still haven't received birthday card from my sister.. :( Mr. Postman..where are you??
P.S.: “If you are single there is always one thing you should take out with you on a Saturday night... your friends.” ~Sarah Jessica Parker~
Happy Birthday to me..
yeah whatever.. so.. I'm going to Bingen today.. it's long weekend.. well I skip class today.. hehe.. I'm gonna meet Lena, Mul, Merwin, Susan and of course Jimmy.. he's the host.. and I wasn't invited by the host.. Lena did.. hihihi.. I think it's gonna be so much fun.. plus Jimmy has sophisticated camera.. I think the pictures will be great.. hahaha I spent the last few days dealing with protokoll.. dammit! The assistant was not helping either.. she had no idea what we should write..what we should do.. we went to her office and asked her because our ggraph was so not normal.. so we wanted to ask her.. but she was like.. ouu.. I don't know.. I haven't corrected any protokoll (what is protokoll in english actually?) what the???
Ggrrrr... I don't care if she'll give us bad marks.. as long as we pass.. I don' give a damn! I just don't wanna deal with her ever again.. ever... well.. I'll just go and have some fun in Bingen.. (I have no idea where Bingen is.. hihihi)
P.S.: “Life is either a great adventure or nothing.” ~Hellen Keller~
What a day..
thanks to the damn protokoll.. what is protokoll in english actually?
I brought my lappy today.. well.. the point of buying laptop instead of desktop computer was so that I could bring it to uni.. but look what I've done.. I left my lappy at home.. it's not as light as I thought.. hihihi..
Since I brought my laptop.. so I went to zedat to deal with the internet connection..
So now I can be on line all the time..even if I'm in uni.. yippe..
but I don't think I would bring my laptop that often.. since it's quite heavy..
I think I'll be shorter and shorter if I bring it everyday.. haha..
Ou.. I just bought my first online ticket.. hahaha.. and it took like half an hour or so.. haha I just kept clicking back.. hahaha.. made sure that I really did it rite.. I just don't really trust this on line thing.. I dunno why.. I just don't..
gosh it's this late already..phew.. I should have continued my protokoll tho.. but I'm so freaking tired.. what shud I do???
P.S. : “One thing that's good about procrastination is that you always have something planned for tomorrow.” ~G. B. Stern~
House warming party..
Finally.. after a verrrryyyy long journey.. seriously.. hehe..
So.. I start to share my so-not-important-stories here.. I will try my best to keep my blog updated.. but don't expect too much.. don't expect me to write everyday.. hey.. I have a life.. although it's boring and not interesting.. hehehe.. but still it's my life.. plus.. I'm a girl who has lotsa activities.. yea rite.. hahaha.. naaah.. I just like to procrastinate.. so it seems like I need more than 24 hour a day.. esp. during the semester.. arrrghh.. I miss my beauty sleep..
Anyway.. I just want to introduce my new blog.. that's all..
enjoy your stay here!!! ^_^
Feel free to write comments.. hihihi...
P.S. : "The ornaments of your house will be the guests who frequent it." ~Author Unknown~